Wednesday, March 6, 2013

halle berry

does your mom read minds?  well, mine does.... without really even knowing it.  seriously.

i will be allllll the way up in alaska.  3000+ miles away, sitting at my kitchen table, feeling as though i have literally hit my breaking point... the point where if i'm dealt any more nonsense, i might just have to punch that nonsense in the face (really hard).  at the same time, I'm feeling insanely overwhelmed and anxiety ridden, while also feeling like every little thing that could go wrong has and it just makes me want to angrily bawl my eyes out.  so there i sit, at this damn kitchen table, all alone, feeling really flipping crappy and then guess what?  that beautiful, mind reading mom calls me up.... "just to check in on me," she says.  but i know it's because she's been reading my mind.  those motherly senses could sense my bad day from 3000+ miles away.  she calls and lets me talk, because she knows i need it.   even though her day was probably not the easiest and could have been filled with equal amounts of complaints and frustrations, she calls to listen.... and hear and comfort, just as my mama does.  it is the simplest things that mean the most to me in life.  these things are genuine and free and only felt by the warmth they bring to your heart.  one of those things, is the love i feel from my mom whom loves me, with full, organic love.  my mom whom i appreciate beyond words and measure.  i am one lucky, lucky girl...and i do my best to never take that for granted.

i love ya mama.  thank you, for being you... and for always warming my heart, when i need it most. 


  1. Ok, love this, but is Halle Berry random or an inside joke?? Miss you ... maybe you need a visit to the country??


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