Monday, February 13, 2012

forever ever?

 shoes, snow and a gluten free sandwich... yep.

corn tortilla, fried egg, hummas, laughing cow and maybe a fake bacon slice in the mix too.  can i get a Yuuuuummmmaaaaa?
 spring weather may have yet to "sprung", but spring shoes sure have.

 look at the flippin snow pile?  i know it is hard to tell...but it is far over my head.  faaaaaar over my gigantic 5ft 2inch head.  can i get a dang girl?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


a week of unexpected & unintentional discoveries, potential change {and you know how i feel about change...hmph}, new vocabulary {decent! #syrslytnks & samsquantch} and unrelenting busyness ...  now on to the visually appealing side of the week.

Monday, February 6, 2012


i kerith.
i taking photos.
and i new things.
how lucky i am to have all three ♥'s at one time, in one place. ♥♥

here's a sneak peek at the latest...

 {this is one of my all time favs.  isn't she stunning??}

Sunday, February 5, 2012


i've finally found myself on the band wagon and will officially admit that ryan gossling is now on my crush list.  i'm not sure if it was just him in his amazing scorpion jacket, with his beautiful hair and sexy aviators, or the perfect amount of 80's vibe combined with stunning cinematography AND soundtrack exclusively filled with some of my all time favs.  either way guys, that was one sexy movie and that's all i have to say about that.
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