Monday, October 31, 2011

ging in fall

better believe it

you know what i hate more than anything?  when it snows before halloween and the beginning of real, actual winter.  i know, i'm a kill joy... but let me tell you what the first days of winter are like for me...
it starts with putting on a brand spanking new pair of totally amazing pants and the button pops off in the very first seconds of wearing those g*dang things.
then you go to start your car and your car decides it's not going to start because it hates the first day of winter just as much as you do.
then you find a nice male suitor to help you jump your winter revolting car and that suitors hood knob decides to break.
so then, you find another nice male suitor to jump your car and this time it works.
after that, you lock your keys in your car... at this point you are way late for work.
in the end because of all this first day of winter nonsense you forget to brush your g*dang teeth.
that is why i hate the first days of winter. and that is also why i now declare the first winter days as "feel bad for ashley days."  just go with it ok, it might make me feel better.

oh yes, and happy halloween to yooooooooouuuuuu. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

legs and cardis

on work days when two workers whom work{literally}right next to each other, all day long, wear the exact same cardi -- funny business typically happens.  this might include one particular worker forcing the other into taking a mass amount of photo booth photos. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

on a pink note

this week i found a new outlook and i'm surprisingly content with that...  change isn't easy for me, but maybe growing up helps?  do you ever wonder who you will be next year?  i guess we are always changing, i just never realized that it could happen without knowing.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


you're not my friend if you can not appreciate black sabbath.  i'm sorry, but it's just the way it has to be.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

tuna fish

 it was my birthday

 so i went to idaho

 and i brought my bess fran
 and we wore bess fran shirts
 and we ate cakes
 and watched football games
 and went to corn mazes
 and ate sweet corn puffs
 and taught munson jrs how to climb trees
 and watched munson jrs steal our hearts as they always do
 and taught munson srs how to get saucy
 and were amazed at how grown up munson srs are
 and hung out with baby tuna
 and loved on real baby b
 and we taught kerith what it's like to be a munson
 and don't you worry, we didn't leave a thing out
 and we introduced her to winco candy
 and used that winco candy for a variety of things
and we breathed in and remembered that smell
and we remembered why we love idaho and why it will always be home
 and we felt the indian summer on our skin
 and we loved it all
 and then it was over

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

fields of clover

there's nothing that reminds me more of idaho than a good ol' country song.  when i was a kid, i despised it and would torcher anyone that made me listen to it.  {no joke}  is it strange to say that things have changed and the older i get, the more i appreciate the genre?   i love the roots of country, the typically tenderness of the lyrics and the stories behind them,  how clean and real the music is, the original american twang and i especially love when i hear a country song that reminds me of my family.  specifically this one... 

{would you believe me if i told you that i heard my little big brother sing this song and he literally stunned me with the handsomeness of his voice.} 
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